Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Resorts, organizations have fireworks displays

QUESTION: Several times we have heard fireworks in the area near The Broadmoor hotel, usually around 9 or 10 at night. By the time we hear them there isn’t enough time to actually go see them. Is there a way to find out when the hotel or other locations are having fireworks?
- Frank

ANSWER: Resorts, country clubs and organizations take out fireworks permits with the city fire marshal. There’s no regular schedule, but The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs Sky Sox and Cheyenne Mountain Resort among others frequently have fireworks displays for various events and clients. Because these are private events, they aren’t publicized and any information would have to come from the business or club.

Then Tom Rich offered this tip: “The Broadmoor Information and Security (BIS) organization has a website offering very good neighborhood activities information. Some pages are restricted to dues paying members, many others - including the fireworks schedule - are open to the public. To find the fireworks schedule go to, select news tab and fireworks schedule. BIS has been in existence, in one form or another, in the Broadmoor neighborhood since 1908. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week BIS patrols a 23-square-mile area. In a typical year the patrol cars drive over 70,000 miles.”


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