Friday, September 21, 2007

Chaparral Road a little bit of everything

I, and many other residents of the Old Farm subdivision, shop the stores along Powers Boulevard. The shortest distance to Powers is via Chaparral and Barnes roads. There is a sign on Chaparral about ¼ mile from Barnes that states “End of City Maintenance.” From that sign to Barnes, Chaparral is in very bad condition, particularly the last 30 feet or so.I called the city and was informed that the county is responsible for that section of Barnes Road. The county informed me that it is private property.I feel it is time for either the city or the county to repair Chaparral or close the road.
- Thomas L. Yingling

We spoke with the city and the county and learned this is something of a no man’s land caught up in the city’s growth. The first 600 feet or so belong to city, the next 600 feet or so belong to county, and another section is apparently still private property.City engineers are trying to work it all out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is random but I was wandering how hot is the gohst pepper and has any one ate one before

2:53 PM, January 14, 2010  

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