Monday, March 27, 2006

"Blurry" highway signs are changing

QUESTION: I heard that state highway departments are all changing the letters on the green highway signs and I hope this is true. Some of the letters are blurry and I have trouble reading them, especially at night.
- Woody

ANSWER: The Federal Highway Administration studied the “blurry” complaint and over 10 years has developed a new, skinnier font for letters called ClearviewHwy. Research showed it makes the signs more legible and reduces what’s called “overglow,” or the glare around the letters when your headlights hit a sign.
The new lettering is being added by states nationwide but it will take time — and money — for all signs to have ClearviewHwy lettering. Bob Wilson of the Colorado Department of Transportation projected 2007 for our entire state “sign library” to be redone.


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