Thursday, August 03, 2006

Political signs a no-no along the highways

QUESTION: What are the rules for placing political signs along a highway? There were bright red signs planted all along Highway 24 between Woodland Park and Manitou Springs, right by the side of the road. It seems to be the wrong use for public land.
- Debbie

ANSWER: And it’s illegal! Campaign signs on private property are permitted but not on the highway right of way, which belongs to the taxpayers. It’s a misdemeanor that could carry a fine of $100 to $1,000 per day per sign, according to Bob Wilson, Colorado Department of Transportation.

In most cases, CDOT crews working in an area will pick up signs and store them in a warehouse for 30 days. “They don’t do search and destroy for political signs or real estate signs. There’s too much real work to do. They just get them when they’re working in the vicinity,” Wilson said. He admitted, “it’s tough to remove them because they seem to proliferate.”

Sign removal does become a CDOT priority when the signs cover directional signs or turn into a traffic distraction when there are big groupings along a roadway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since these signs are illegal along highways, can private citizens remove them?

12:55 PM, August 03, 2006  
Blogger Linda Navarro said...

We'd recommend contacting the party headquarters instead.

12:59 PM, August 09, 2006  

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