Multilane roundabouts still puzzle some drivers
I’m not sure if you have ever answered this question before or not, it’s about the roundabout that is by the Cinemark Theaters and how the lanes are supposed to be used. My boyfriend and I have a bet on this and I think it is very clear. I say if you are in the outside lane, you have got to exit at the first exit that you come to. If you are on the inside lane, you don’t have to exit until you are ready. Please let me know what is the correct way to do this.
- Kelly Kinabalu
ANSWER: We’ve run explanations and graphics about this roundabout since 2005, but the multiple lanes are still causing drivers to scratch their heads. However, the city has re-striped the lanes and there are new lane-designation signs that have helped simplify the process. Our area has three new multilane roundabouts, all in Wolf Ranch, at Research Parkway east of Powers Boulevard.
Here’s your roundabout answer and the graphic, and we’ll let you and your boyfriend decide who won.
The police department had some basics:Those entering the roundabout must yield to traffic already in it. Traffic inside a roundabout does not stop. Use the outside (right) lane if you’re making the first exit or if you’re going forward to the second exit to continue forward on the same street (and in the same lane) you entered from. If you’re going to the third exit or all the way around to the street you came in on, you should be in the inside (left) lane. Miss your exit? Just go around again.
It’s expected that most drivers will not change lanes when they’re in the roundabout. That’s often when accidents occur. The scenario: A driver enters the roundabout in the right lane. Another driver has been in the inside lane for several exits and needs to turn right. They get to the same spot at the same time. The person in the inside lane, making the lane change, must signal and yield. The driver doesn’t and . . . crunch.
Thanks for trying to explain, but to me it still isn't clear. In your diagram, if you enter the circle from the north, going to the opposite side to continue to the south exit (in the outside lane per the rules) and someone is in the inside lane coming from the south and turning at the 3rd exit, someone is going to get broadsided!!
The bottom line is to watch for people in the roundabout. Don't go unless it is your turn. That's it. It's not rocket science people. If you feel uncomfortable, just wait until the way is clear and go where you need to.
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