Friday, June 02, 2006

Curb/driveway repairs on Chelton part of PPRTA

QUESTION: On Chelton Road between Fountain Boulevard and Platte Avenue there is extensive construction or remodeling occurring on both sides of the street. Curbs, sidewalks, skirts, and even private driveways are being torn out and replaced. It does not appear to be a widening of the street. What’s going on?
- Chuck
QUESTION: I’m wondering what all of the driveway redoing is caused by south of Palmer Park Boulevard on Chelton Road.
It seems that almost every home has had at least a part of their driveway re-concreted. Any comments?
- Morris
ANSWER: Projects in both areas are being done in conjunction with the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority maintenance funding approved by voters to make repairs to gutters, curbs and sidewalks, according to city engineer Bruce Thorson, roadway engineering manager. City engineering has contracted to repair damage to curbs and gutters throughout the city, working ahead of street resurfacing. In some cases the driveway area between the sidewalk and the curb must be replaced for a variety of reasons, including to fix a difference in elevation, to change the grade, to repair areas that have sunk and to avoid “water infiltration” beneath the street surface. Repairs are being made to make the system function and the grades work, Thorson said.

For a list of the extensive PPRTA projects, go to


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