Friday, August 18, 2006

Bales beside county roads help stop erosion

QUESTION: I am new to Colorado and wondered why there are bales of hay staked to the side of the roads periodically in areas just outside of town. What are they for?

ANSWER: They’re straw bales used to reduce soil erosion coming from construction sites, according to county storm-water coordinator Barbara Dallemand. She says they keep the soil off the roads and from filling in the culverts and storm drains.
“But the really important reason is to protect water quality,” she said. “Excess soil can choke the streams. It makes them cloudy and interferes with the plants and animals that live in the streams.” Dallemand said the tan and black fabric fences at construction sites serve the same soil-erosion-prevention purpose.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

not a peep for days on end, then 6 new posts in 21 minutes... interesting... apparently consistency is not important to the author of this blog.

12:42 AM, August 20, 2006  
Blogger Linda Navarro said...

"Did You Ever Wonder?" is not a daily blog. It is a column that runs every Sunday in The Gazette. The items in the column are posted as separate entries because they have different subjects.

2:11 PM, August 25, 2006  

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