Friday, August 18, 2006

Non-toxic smell at Atmel wafts with the weather

QUESTION: What is the chemical smell that hangs in the air around the Atmel plant early in the morning? It smells herbicidal.
- Jess Wundrin

ANSWER: Because Atmel is a manufacturing site, there are several “small, non-dangerous, non-toxic smells” that usually stay on site, said David Helmer, the plant’s environmental, health and safety manager. Weather or wind conditions could cause them to waft. Water in the cooling towers is treated with a fungicide to stop the growth of bacteria and fungus, exactly like a swimming pool or hot tub, Helmer said. In addition, one of the process chemicals has a bit of an odor. Helmer said Atmel is required to have state air permits and is in compliance. Inspections are done by the state.


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