Friday, July 13, 2007

Changes coming for Rock Island Trail

At the point where the Rock Island Trail approaches Powers Boulevard from the west, the trail and the old railroad bed part company around a triangular piece of ground north of Timberline Landscaping.There are mature pine trees and raised areas of vegetation suggestive of a park.What is the status of this area? Also, where can one rejoin the Rock Island Trail on the east side of Powers?
- Jenni

ANSWER: The landscaped area is private property and part of Timberline Landscaping.

There are exciting things on the drawing board for the Rock Island corridor. The long-term plan — think future — includes a proposed Powers Boulevard pedestrian overpass. Chris Lieber, in charge of trails and open space for the parks department, said the overpass is part of the Powers Environmental Assessment, being prepared by Colorado Department of Transportation.

Short-term plans, said Lieber, include the possibility of a pedestrian underpass at Sand Creek and extending Sand Creek Trail north to intersect with Rock Island Trail east. This is part of the 2008 capital improvement budget. To see a map of Rock Island Trail and its route, go to: www.springsgov .com/Page.asp?NavID =3898 and click on the newsletter link.


Anonymous Robert Veghte said...

According to the El Paso County Parcel records, that 2.24 acre triangular piece of land is owned by the city of Colorado Springs. I remember when those trees were first planted in order to hide the power substation back in the 70's. This was long before the landscaping company was there.

11:18 AM, May 11, 2011  

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